The Evil Villain
Once in a stunning village called "Crystal Village" there lived a QUEEN far away named "EVIL VILLAIN." She is attractive,with a golden crown, jewels with gorgeous red silk. Geneviva were feeling lonely so she decided to play with her friends. When she took a step forward she found this poor kid."What are you doing out here?" asked Geneviva politely"When I were six my Uncle died because he got a disease called Asthma, My Uncle had to took care of me because my mom and dad went overseas."answered Rickee "What for?" asked Geneviva"I don't know" answered Rickee" I felt miserable" said Rickee "you could stay at my house" Said Geneviva" THANKS!"said Rickee excitedly. "MOM" said Geneviva "YES who are you?" My name is Rickee, nice to meet you"answered Rickee softly"MOM,can he stay in our house? asked Geneviva"OK, While we'll try to find you a comfortable house for you." THANKS, What can I do without you." said Rickee TAG said Geneviva"Look out here I come!" They play and play all the morning until...."BREAKFAST time" yelled Geneviva's Mom"Geneviva after you eat go to the shop and buy... 6 Apples, 2 Pears, a bunch of celery, a pack of carrot, seasoning powders, Honey, a pineapple, a rock melon & subculture dairy milk so I will give you $ 39, You'd better be quick" I'll give Rickee $35" Said Geneviva's mom" THANKS" said Rickee. We started to take steps, "It's snowing and it's beautiful" said Geneviva. "Let's go to the shop quickly!" said Rickee The shop were near to the Villain's Palace When they've arrived at the"Every Day Shop." They bought home the things that they needed. When they got home safely they were playing sleigh Rickee wanted to go in the heart of the jungle so he asked Geneviva's MOM but she says NO so he just dare to do it so he went there in the middle of the journey he got kidnapped by the EVIL VILLAIN, The EVIL VILLAIN were going to make Rickee hypnotized forever and that's what she did. At home Geneviva and her mom were really apprehensive about Rickee"MOM can I please rescue Rickee?"said Geneviva anxiously "OK and be careful for the VILLAIN, Here bring this potion it's very powerful and be speedy & Remember use the potion to defeat the VILLAIN." answered Geneviva's Mom"YES MOM, I'll go quickly" said Geneviva. Um...Excuse Me do you know the way to the VILLAIN palace, I need to rescue my friend"Rickee" I'll get you close go south and then you have to across the LONG REACHED River climbed the Mount Colony" said Madame Finder" THANK YOU" She continued her journey " Here's the river" said Geneviva She rowed her boat down the river at the middle of the river she saw the "Mount Colony." "How will I got there, I KNOW! JUMP" When she have made it she climbed until she reached the summit Then it starting to snow so she climbed down and went in the igloo she asked to the sneaker" Do you know the way to the Villain's palace?" Eat this soup and it will bring you right in front of the palace" answered the sneaker "WOW this is one gigantic palace" said Geneviva As she take step-by step calmly closer and closer to Rickee no sign of the VILLAIN then something starting to appear it was the VILLAIN. "Remember use this to defeat the VILLAIN" She said to her self. Then she free Rickee from the QUEEN. Then Rickee realized that he was wrong. Geneviva save her new friends. THE END